Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Blocked by Tape: A Letter Home

Dear Family,
AUGH, I love Argentina, but dealing with bureaucratic government agencies such as the post office is maddening. But anyway, my rant really has nothing to do with the government. It's more of a Christmas apology for your not getting gifts from me. Unless I can figure something else out.

Here's the story. I just returned from a long time at the post office with a package of gifts. I put everything into a shoe box, used a paper bag turned inside out to cover it, and was off. Actually I did that yesterday, walked to the post office, only to learn it closed 5 minutes before. This morning I returned. Well, did you know that you can not have tape on the outside of your package? I don't know why. They were happy to supply me with a glue stick. When I pointed to
other packages that had tape, they said, "Oh yes, but those are for within Argentina." Now the post office does have boxes of their own. But they only had really big ones. Another issue is that the package needs to be under 2kg. My package is 2.2 kg So even with the right box and magic glue, I still wouldn't be able to mail it.

Within my package is a 600gm box of 12 alfajores, a super rich Argentine cookie sandwich filled with dulce de leche. They have about a million calories each. To deal with the weigh issue, I envisioned myself sitting outside the post office eating about 4 of these, but then I would probably go into a diabetic coma and the package would really never be mailed.

Finding the right box: The post office sent me to a papeleria (paper store) to get another box. After walking a few blocks only to find it was right around the corner they told me to come back in 4 hours, someone would package it all up for me. But they don't have a scale, so I still wouldn't be sure it was under the right weight. I went to another papeleria, who said I should go back to the post office and use their boxes. Or keep trying to find another post office (each
with a 60 min wait or more) to get the right size. He also said that the post is not secure here at all. I should use a private carrier. I checked with fedex a few days ago, but at U$S 95, more than the value of the gifts, I thought that was just crazy.

Anyway, I don't think our family is the superficial type that needs to have some sort of commodity under the tree from each person. So I truly believe this is more an issue for me than it will be for you. I just really wanted to have some unique treasures from Argentina to share with you all on Christmas morning since I wont be there.

So in the end, I went home, frustrated and upset, and ate an alfajore.
Love Always,


traveler with wine said...

Can we send you parcels? So that you can have treasure from the states to remember us on the Christmas away.

G said...

Oh Nicola- I feel your pain...

Traveler with wine- be careful about sending her stuff... A well-intentioned family member sent me stuff last year, in BsAs, and caused to spend 6 hours, I am not kidding, literally 6 hours waiting in line at the main post office where it got sent to after I failed to be home when they delivered the package. Of course, I didn't know that a package was coming, nor would I have known when it'd be delivered. I really almost lost my mind in that god-forsaken cement room they call the waiting room... but I wasn't alone, many others were there right alongside me, going equally crazy.

Now, it was right before Christmas so that may not be an issue if it arrives after the holidays....

However, I have gotten things that can fit under doors- envelopes and such- with no problem...

Also, I could just have really bad luck- mabye you'll package will be greeting Nicola on her front stoop one day:) I hope so!

Happy Holidays!

Stephanie said...

Are you sure you only ate "an" alfajore?? :)

Oh, and I think I told you I sent 2 things in the mail -- but they probably aren't worth waiting 6 hours for. One is in an envelope and should fit under a door. The other, however, is a small package. Good luck!

Merry Merry Christmas Nicola. We love you very much. Bisous!

Michael Yee said...

Hi Nicola,
I'm getting caught up with your blog and I'm very pleased with the detail you put into each of your entries. I don't put much faith in intercountry mail. I sent a postcard from Aruba to SF and it took 3 weeks! All the glacier pictures are remarkable and make me want to head out for some cold weather hiking!