The cute little chrome piggy banks are popular baby gifts. Somehow though it seemed a bit silly to be in my 30s wanting a baby's gift. So I kept hunting around trying to find an urban chic model of the more typical christening or baby shower gift. I never found anything. (Maybe that's the reason I don't have better investments!)
So imagine my surprise when I entered her apartment and found a cute terracotta piggy bank. It's exactly what I didn't realize I had been searching for all this time., I really hit the jackpot....this one came with money in it! SOLD!
But there's a catch. See, this little bank only has one opening at the top to insert your money. The only way to get your money out is to, literally, break the bank. He's too cute to ever break. Well see how long this feeling prevails when I'm searching for exact change to ride the colectivo (the bus).
Two days later, Emily and I went to Uruguay for the day and I found an even better piggy bank, painted gray with pink spots. Hmm, I liked this one better. So now I have two piggy banks. I'm taking this as a good sign about my future finances.
I will send you some pesos to stuff in those piggys. Now I see why there is so much jamon.
Worth the wait!
Nicola, I love the addition of the photo slide show. When did you add that? It looks like you've made lots of friends in a relatively short amount of time. Yay!
Oh, and PS. your friends in SF want links to this blog. I was asking various people about it when I was there and no one had heard about it. This includes the McCormicks, Michael, DL, Lynn Beach, Chris Lambert, etc, etc...send them the link!!
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